
3. Frequently Asked Questions



Q - Is there any financial aid available for purchasing a device?

A - Biloela State High School does not provide any financial support for purchasing a BYO Device. However, programs such as NILS can help with the purchase of a device.

QCan students access their emails without Microsoft Outlook?

A - Students can access their school emails anywhere at anytime on any device that has a web browser. Students have an Office 365 account which can be accessed using their school login and password. Note the new BYOxLink will automatically configure the Mail app on students BYO devices.

Q - Can students print on the school printers? 

- Yes, students can print to the Resource Centre printer and some subject specific printers once connected to the BYOx.exe application.

Q - Can students get support from school?

- Students will only get support connecting to the network and the network related functions. This is done by appointment at the the Resource Centre. All warranty or repairs need to be handled by the student/ parent through the vendor directly. 

Q - Can I download a free copy of Microsoft Office? 

- Yes, all staff and students of Education Queensland have access to downloading a copy of Office 2016 on a number of their devices. View all further details on

Q - Who is responsible for putting the software onto the BYOD machines?

A - It is the responsibility of the students/ parents to have all necessary software installed to the machines before bringing them into school. Students are not to install software from school as this will affect the network for everyone.

Q - What software will students need for school? 

A - This depends on the classes that the student has elected to be a part of. As standard they will need MS Office (available on the BYOD page as a link) and an up-to-date Anti-Virus. If you are unsure about a class and if they need a certain software, please speak with the class teacher.

Q - What version of Windows can connect?

A - Any version of Windows that is currently in commercial support for Windows is acceptable in the BYOD environment except Windows 10S. To remove the laptop from "Windows S Mode" follow this guide:

Q - Will internet be filtered from school?

A - An internet filter will apply when students are connected to the schools network.  As is the case currently, this will restrict access to certain sites, such as Youtube and Facebook.  At home, this filtering system will not apply to BYOD devices.

Q - Will my child be expected to bring his/her laptop to school every day?

A - Yes. Biloela State High School teachers are transforming the way they teach to take advantage of all students having their BYOD laptops in every lesson.  The new lesson delivery will ensure that laptops will be essential tools in each classroom.

Q - Is there a secure area where my child can leave his/her laptop during sport?

A - It is anticipated that students will have their laptops with them at all times except under special circumstances.  If participating in sporting activities, a secure lockable area will be sourced by the teachers for the students’ bags/devices.

Q - Will a replacement laptop be available for students if theirs is taken for repair?

A - Students may be issued with a borrowed laptop if theirs is required for repair.  Students will need to ensure all their files (from the laptops hard drive) are backed up so they can continue to access them.  All files saved on the schools network will be available for access via the loan laptop.

In order to access these loan devices, a parent/caregiver will need to advise the office that their BYOD laptop is in for repairs. A loan device may then be made available to the student for a short period of time until their own laptop is repaired.

Q - How does the student get support for their BYOD device?

A - This is the responsibility of the student and the supplier of the laptop. We recommend families ensure an adequate device protection plan (warranty/accidental damage) is provided with the laptop at purchase.

Last reviewed 13 July 2020
Last updated 13 July 2020