Bring Your Own Device
As a school, we are focusing on the development of 21st Century Skills by enhancing the use of digital technologies to our teaching and learning environments This involves the development and use of 'virtual' or 'flexible' learning environments, which extend the classroom experience beyond the physical space of school.
The use of the network and access to the internet from the school will be for school purposes only. Students will receive individual logins and passwords for the network and the internet. A Copy of the conditions is set out in the BYOD Charter available on the school's website Signing the BYOD Charter means that you accept the conditions of use.
All student activities on the school net work and the internet are consistently monitored using a comprehensive monitoring system. This helps to maintain a safe computing environment, and to detect breaches.
The service your child uses to connect their BYO device to the school network is changing. To use the new BYOxLink service, you will need to enrol the device into Microsoft Intune Company Portal.
BYOxLink enables students and parents to install the School Wi-Fi and apps onto their devices from home streamlining the process so students and devices are ready for learning before coming to School. This will make student access to the School Wi-Fi faster, safer and more efficient.