Biloela State High School takes pride in their school musical productions which takes place every two years. Students are given the opportunity to be involved in the various roles, both as part of the ensemble, band or backstage crew. Auditions are held for lead and ensemble roles, or students have the options to contribute to lighting and sound, backstage, or hair and make-up. Students do not need to have experience in any of the areas to be involved.
Participating in musical productions allows students to the opportunities to develop their confidence, communication and team work skills. It also provides students the chance to be creative and demonstrate their musical and dramatic abilities. Students involved in previous productions say that their favourite part of participating in musical is that allows them the chance to interact with peers from different year levels, and that it builds a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Auditions take place in Term 4 the year before the production, and rehearsals take place between once to three times a week after school or on weekends.